Monday, November 24, 2008

Women in the Workforce Declining

"The number of women in the workplace has been declining for several years...a Congressional study released today found that women aren't "opting out" of the workforce to raise children. For the first time in nearly a half-century, they are being forced onto the sideline by bad economic times." I wonder how many of those women are in information technology or the field of Public Relations

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mommy bloggers and Motrin

I have been raving about moms (women) in the workforce but what exactly are the mommy bloggers thinking? I am a single mom with three children, I had to literally carry my oldest child (then age 3) on my hip until my third trimester with the second child. My last child weighed 9lbs 14ozs and I carried him in a sling until he was about 15 1/2 to 16lbs. So, I get the point of Motrin trying to say, carrying the babies on the body on a daily basis will cause muscle pain and soreness.

Mommy bloggers obviously have a substantial amount of influence but they need to apply their knowledge to public relations activities in their communities and spend their extra time with their children.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Women are superior

Personally, I feel that women are just as good if not better at PR than men. Women have a better understanding of what people want and they know how to accommodate that need. The internet within itself is a strange but useful tool. Women are patient enough to guide their clients through the processes of learning how to set-up social networking medias for their companies (even when that client is consistently saying, they just don't understand).